
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder Insomnia can drain your energy level and affect your mood. It also can affect your health, work performance and quality of life. At some point, many adults have short-term insomnia. This can last for days or weeks. Short-term insomnia is usually due to stress or a distressing event. But some people have long-term insomnia, also called chronic insomnia. This lasts for three months or more. Insomnia is the root cause of every mental disease.  We can say that mother of all mentaldisease is insomnia means before any disease occurs the disturbance of sleep is the most important. Insomnia means no good sleep at night. Insomnia occurs because of disturbance in your mind, worries in their mind and there is no solution for it then there is no sleep. In medical science the sleeping pills are given to them and temporarily makes them sleep. If there worries are dissolved then there no requirement of tablets. Medication are of no use in treating insomnia. No medication can cure insomnia permanently. On the contrary, taking insomnia medication for a long time can lead to many side effects. Insomnia may be the main problem, or it may be related to other medical conditions or medicines. You take the name of any disease like constipation, lethargy, Schizophrenia, mental breakdown, Depression, Dyslexia and any other disease Epilepsy, Migraine behind every disease there is insomnia 

Causes and side effects of insomnia

Such people are in towards nature, secretive and do not talk about their problem and thinks more about their self. They are the patient of excess thinking, thinks more and they are mind oriented too. It means there is some negativity, there are 25 to 50 types of negativity in their mind such as fear, anger, hurt, humiliation, anger, violent and there are many other negativity. There is no harm if the patient takes the medicine for a few days. Continuously taking insomnia medicine is quite harmful. If there is insomnia then depression occurs. Because that sleep is very important that is natural one. Because of sleep there can be recovery in your body, many other disease, body relax, relaxes your mind. If there is no sleep then there can be no body relax or no relax in your mind. If there is no relax in your mind or body then they cannot be called as healthy and can be house of such disease. Many people think that by sleeping it is a time waste which is very wrong. By sleeping there is recovery in your body, relaxation in your mind, creativity in your mind and energy in your body. One type of energy is sleep. If there is a good sleep then the person is fresh, has a creative mind and the body is also energetic to do any work. Insomnia symptoms may include: Having a hard time falling asleep at night. Waking up during the night. Waking up too early. Feeling tired or sleepy during the day. Feeling cranky, depressed or anxious. Having a hard time paying attention, focusing on tasks or remembering. Making more errors or having more accidents. Having ongoing worries about sleep. Disturbed sleep is more than an inconvenience that leaves you dragging the next day: it can affect your emotional and physical health. It negatively affects your memory, concentration and mood, and it boosts your risk for depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Insomnia is a serious disease but it can be treated. If you or anyone in your family is suffering from insomnia, then without delay talk to your Gladful Mind mental health professional and treat insomnia in a natural way.



There are various insomnia treatments available, depending upon the severity of the problem. While acute insomnia can be treated by following sleep hygiene methods and certain therapies; chronic insomnia might need Treatment.

Acute insomnia can be treated by following sleep hygiene methods and certain therapies; chronic insomnia may require cognitive therapy. Gladful Mind Centre has without medication insomnia treatments available depending on the severity of the problem.

Gladful Mind Treatment Centre in Mumbai provides evidence-based, individualized insomnia treatment that helps our clients achieve lasting growth and recovery. You can get more information about this by talking to our representative



Insomnia is a sleep disorder that includes several types of sleep problems. People with insomnia may experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up too early or consistently feeling tired upon waking.

Most adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Signs that you may not be getting adequate sleep include low energy, daytime sleepiness, trouble concentrating and moodiness.

Sleep has its ways of effecting people. Here are a few types of insomnia, see where you land:

  1. Acute Insomnia

The problem of not getting enough sleep lasts for a few weeks or at most for a month. The sleeplessness is temporary, mainly caused by life events or certain activities, and is resolved without any treatment.

  1. Chronic Insomnia

Sleepless for three nights in a week, and for 3 months? Insomnia problem could be a cause of worry as it is at a severe stage and needs attention. It could be both primary or comorbid insomnia.

  1. Primary Insomnia

Primary insomnia develops over time and has no linkage to any pre-existing medical conditions. It is possible to have sleeplessness due to other reasons,  part from the existing medical issues.

  1. Comorbid or Secondary Insomnia

Here, the issue of trouble sleeping pops-up because of some health problem a person might already be suffering from. Sometimes, the medical issues or the medications associated with the same, cause sleep deprivation.

It seems like a plan for a lot of people to cover up their sleep during the weekends. However, it is no office work. Your body needs proper rest and sleep every night for you to function better and to stay healthy.

While, we wish all problems would just vanish, but sleep problems are just like other disorders. For you to have a nice sleep, it requires time and dedication. Sleep hygiene techniques and Treatment  are the solution to your problem, and not procrastination.

Having a disturbed sleep is as bad as having no sleep. If you wake up often in your sleep, you are still going to feel annoyed and irritated in the morning. In order to wake up fresh and energetic continuous sleep is crucial.

Be it caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, which you think helps you relax, actually just make the sleep go away. Avoid it before bedtime, it will just ruin your sleep.

While people with medical issues have chances of having insomnia, so as the rest of the crowd. Any lifestyle change, psychological problem can lead to insomnia. Sometimes, it is the primary problem that causes other health issues.


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